Swedes top English proficiency ranking Svenskar är bäst i världen på engelska

Sweden has climbed back to the top of a global English proficiency list, meaning that, out of 70 countries, Sweden's citizens have the best command of English as a second language.
Sweden took the top spot, followed by the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Pakistan is at 17 while India at 14. 

Countries in Europe dominate the top rankings, while countries in the Middle East and North Africa rank among the worst. Libya is at the bottom of the list, along with Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Iraq.

The report also reveals that women are generally better at English than men, and that the gap between the best and the worst countries has increased.

Svenskar är bäst i världen på engelska
En ny undersökning som språkföretaget EF har gjort, visar att personer som bor i Sverige pratar bäst engelska i hela världen.  Undersökningen är inte gjord i engelskspråkiga länder som Storbritannien och USA.

4 Nov 2015

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